Featured on this blog are pictures of our kids, grandkids, the dog and the cat doing all kinds of different activities that keep us very busy. Some of the activities include: baseball, basketball, volleyball and track.
Joseph has been a wonderful big brother to Natalie this summer. Now that he's 9, he's been helping Joe entertain her during the day when Mallory, Rachel and Taylor are not home. He was even going to try and change a wet diaper the other day when Joe saw him and helped him out.
I made a smoothie for Taylor with strawberries and blueberries because her teeth hurt from getting new braces today. While we waited for the rest of dinner to be ready, Taylor left her smoothie at the table. Natalie found it and wouldn't give it back. Taylor had to pour some into a smaller cup to get her big cup away from Natalie.
Taylor, Bailey and Natalie came back downstairs last night after Joe and I went to bed. This is how we found Natalie sleeping this morning. Taylor was asleep at the other end of the sofa and Bailey was on the love seat.
Joseph woke up at 6:07 am to play with a new set of Legos he got for his birthday. He got this very cool pin and book about Tae Kwon Do from Grandpa - Thanks! We had Pizza Hut pizza for dinner and then opened family gifts. He got Mario Party 7 & Spiderman for the Game Cube and Big Brain Academy for his DS. We are having a pool party with a few of his friends on Saturday.
Freckles had surgery yesterday on his ear. He had a drain inserted to remove a large quantity of blood that had accumulated in his ear from a broken blood vessel. He didn't get to eat at all yesterday and only got half his normal amount of food this morning. Freckles got his head caught in this chip bag trying to get the last crumbs out. LOL
From the look on Rachel's face, it doesn't look like Bailey's feet smell very good. Bailey had a great day in the pool. She learned how to dive, do a hand stand in the shallow end and she rememebered how to do a forward roll under the water.