The closing of our house loan refinance was supposed to happen at 9:00am this morning. When I checked the answering machine at 8:40am, I heard two messages from the settlement company wanting to delay the signing of the loan papers. No one showed up at 9:00am and no one called this morning to reschedule the meeting. I decided to call the person who was coordinating all aspects of the loan. She called the settlement company and they called back and rescheduled the meeting for 7:00pm. The notary showed up on time and we took about 15 minutes to sign all the paperwork. We have until the 18th to cancel the loan so we have to wait until then to get our settlement check. We took some extra money out to pay off all of our credit card debt, get a new roof and new windows. The roof was done about 2 weeks ago and I need to get quotes from a couple of places for new windows. I know that we have a long way to go to be debt free, but I least it's mostly consolidated into one monthly payment. It seemed like everytime we turned around, something happened which looked like it was going to prevent this loan from closing. I'm glad that is done!!!